Sunday, November 2, 2008

I need to get less grumpy

I'm starting to piss myself off with how crotchety I have been lately. I don't know what it is, other than a convocation of unrelated events that is causing it. But I know it needs to stop.

I also know that I'm probably pissing my friends off, so to them I say "Sorry Guys". To my sister I also say "Sorry for being a prick for no reason".

Fortunately for myself, and those around me, I feel a positive change on the horizon. I think that good things are coming everybody's way in the next couple of months, and I really think it will be possible to escape the bizarre slouch everyone is in.

In Political type stuff: My official prediction is that McCain will gain no more than 43% of the electoral vote. Which is pretty good considering I don't think the republicans are trying to win anymore. If you haven't yet, GET your ballot in. If you didn't get one, then head to the election office and have them give you a new one there. It's important.

Gas Prices continue to drop, with the lowest I have seen so far at $2.39 a gallon, at this rate we may be sub $2.00 by march. I, for one, do like getting around 4 gallons when I spend ten dollars.

In my job type stuff: They have eliminated the Helpdesk that they were cramming us into instead of our chats. This seems to be due to it being a violation of our contract with sprint. Which means the company is likely going to be penalized just like the last time this happened. To give you an Idea of what a penalty might look like, the last time this happened we lost more than I make in a year, before taxes.

Oh, one more thing. I'm getting a newer video card from a coworker, it's gonna run me $50. So why not.

Enough typing, it's bedtime. Goodnight everyone.

1 comment:

remigious said...

well I still like you, it is hard to be optimistic sometimes but I feel a positive change coming on too