Thursday, May 29, 2008

Brock Tales (woo woo)

Today I commemorate, on the iron hard base what the internet is built upon, a former coworker.
His name was (probably still is, I assume he has not died yet) Brock worked with me in my call center job the first time through.

Brock had a stutter, one that grew worse the more upset he became. A stutter is already a bad trait when working in an environment where voice is your only means of relaying information, but it was even worse in the high stress world of cellular phone customer service.

Brock was loud. He was in fact so loud, that I once heard him from clear across the call center, while I was in the bathroom. He also was "that guy" in training classes, the person you dreading being with because he couldn't stop asking questions long enough for the trainer/teacher to answer him.

Last but not least, Brock was an asshole. Not the really malicious kind, but the kind of person who would kick a guy in the ass when he bent over to get something off the the floor (happened to me). He was the kind of guy who would move stuff on your desk because he thought it was funny. And he was the kind of guy who would leave trash on your desk without thinking about it.

When I was coming back, I dreaded running into him again. Fortunately (and with some shame at how glad I was) he had been fired in the nine months I was gone.

Thank god.

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