Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Man, Oh Man Do I Love Me Some Pomegranate Rockstar...

Pomegranate being my second favorite fruit (Useless fact), this stuff seems to be made to sell to me. It helps that the stuff has 50% juice and a crapload of sweet, sweet caffeine. I get myself one of the big 24 ounce cans most workdays, and it helps me through my oh so painful morning process (Get it?). But enough about the nectar of the gods...

I'm applying for a new position at my work. It's a sort of helpdesk system and, while it doesn't pay better, it does have the advantage of getting me off the phones.

And now to wrap up. I had a caller today by the name of: Toni Bennett. It was an unremarkable call otherwise but the name got me to laugh after the call (if you don't get why I think that was funny I offer THIS by way of explanation)

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