Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I are an voter!

I have officially participated in the democratic process, my ballot is marked (where applicable), sealed, signed (where applicable) and had been dropped into a big blue tub (where applicable).

Since voting isn't like birthday wishes, where telling makes them not come true, I am inclined to reveal 2 of my votes. These are the ones I feel are most relevant out of the entire 2 sheet mess of a ballot, so here goes:

1) Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, I like him more than Hillary, but I don't feel that either is particularly more qualified than the other. A coworker raised an excellent point about one thing today: With the state of foreign relations, a female president may not be the best choice at this time.

2) Sam Adams for mayor. I like the guy and don't know enough about the other candidates.

Anyway off to play rockband.

Stay Alert! Trust No One! Keep Your Laser Handy!

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