Saturday, June 21, 2008


First up, Some Videos:
Thermite IS AWESOME!
The Best Commercial Ever.
Movie Trailer Edit = hilarious
Classic Salt 'N Pepper

Now some random websites:
My favorite cooking wiki
A knife, hand forged out of a railroad spike
The homepage of Inspector Ham and Eggs
The Word Detective

I have in my head, at this moment, some ideas for a setting for a story. The problem is that, while that part of my idea is easily fleshed out, I have no idea for a plot. I have some character ideas, stuff like that, but they don't lend themselves to the spontaneous generation of plot type stuff.

I shall endeavor to flesh it out as I can.

In work related news, I was informed yesterday that, as of monday we all (RepAssist) have to do 4 hours of phone time each week. I don't like this but I will do it until the boss can convince the client that it is a bad idea.

Also, as of last night I have black hair. My boss and His boss said that I was in danger of being put back on the phones permanently if I did not change it from the blue.

Anyway, here's to 30 more days, and 30^10 more than that.

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