Sunday, August 31, 2008

rolled on another server

that's right, I'm playing with work friends too. On an RP server... as an alliance character. whoo.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Early day tomorrow

Need to get to bed before it gets too late or I'm going to really, really regret not getting enough sleep.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I was going to go to a party friday night...

But thanks to my new schedule I can't. I have to be at work at 7 goddamn o'clock the next morning. I am pissed off, I was going to get pretty drunk.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nothing to see here... Right now.

I am going to be adding some more links, videos and what have you in the near future, seeing as I will have more daylight hours in which to do so.

To those going to PAX this year I offer 3 messages:
1) Have Fun, and stay out of the boring kind of trouble.
2) Bring me something, I like swag as much as, or more than, anybody else.
3) I wish I was going with you guys.

Also, If they ever had a European PAX, they should have it in the capital of Italy. You know, so they can call it PAX Romana.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So sick I started to hallucinate at work

That's right folks, I am so unwell that I had visual sensory disruptions at work. They are currently in abeyance, but it freaked me right the fuck out. Hallucinations of any degree are only fun if you are expecting and are ready for them.

Basically I have some weird stomach bug going on. I went outside on break today to get some fresh air, and the asphalt appeared to be breathing. Then I went inside, everything was fuzzy on the borders except my computer monitor, which was split into 3 slightly out of sync images, one green, one blue and one red, all stacked imperfectly on top of each other. It was especially odd because it is an LCD monitor and they don't work like that at all. Then the floor was swirling/breathing and that's when I decided to go home.

Thank god I wasn't on "Totally Awesome Sweet Alabama Liquid Snake" or there might have been blue snakes coming out of my eyes.

EDIT: Holy crap I hit 100 posts of absolutely nothing. I'm serious business now.

Double Plus EDIT: I don't know why I didn't mention this earlier. One of my sister's friends took her own life on the 21st, we just found out today. I'm glad I was home when my sister found out. Not that she would have done anything stupid, but just so I could offer the kind of support people need when they hear that kind of news. Her friend's dad came and gave her the news in person. From what I understand, she had a history of depression and some friends left her alone while she was under the influence of psychedelic mushrooms. It's not good times for anybody. But it is definitely relevant enough for me to post about.

So, yeah.

Goodnight viewers and have a pleasant tomorrow.

Monday, August 25, 2008

My New Schedule, EFF 08/30

Starting this saturday I go to a 7am to 4pm schedule with tuesday wednesday off. I also have the first off because of Labor Day.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Venture brothers seasson finale was awesome

let's hope we don't have to a damned year and a half for more episodes. it was really good.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Just got back from eugene

I was there all day, and it was good times. My mom took me, my sister, Ian and my moms friend out to dinner. I'm pretty tired.

Friday, August 22, 2008

still problems

As you may or not know: I am having a lot of work stress. Much of this has to do with our new sheduling. We are having a shift bid based on 3 things, chats per hour, chat scores and attendance. I missed 2 days which put me from second, to the bottom of the list. So crappy days for me.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Nature of the Shittiness has changed

I don't mean to leave anybody in the dark about what is going on, but I don't have the willpower to accurately explain right now. I'll be doing a writeup pretty soon. like maybe friday

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I have a plan to deshittify the situation

Part of yesterday's shittiness came finding out I am dead last in picking a shift. I believe I'll find out tomorrow.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm enjoying my book...

It's part 1 of book 2 of the nights dawn trilogy by Peter F. Hamilton. Top notch Sci-fi, it features the soul of Al Capone possessing another person as a prominent character.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

whoo wow

Just a few more hours, I'm looking forward to it. I'm getting up a little early so I can play.

Also, lesson 3 on the guitar, My left pointer finger (first fretting hand finger) now officially kind of hurts. Such is the cost of learning.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Button down shirts suck

I just had to wear one, and a tie for the last 2 days. All black in this heat.

Edit: I get my third lesson tonight from my buddy Mik, I'm excited as usual.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Friday night = wow back on

Oh yeah, gonna roll a priest or hunter I think. It's gonna be fun after the break what has been taken.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I am in desperate need of a massage

Tense back, shoulders, neck, hips, hands and feet. I pretty much feel broke down all over. If I could get a decent massage for less than 50 bucks I would hop on it as soon as I got paid on the 15th. Hot showers only go so far, and sometimes it's bad enough to keep me from sleeping. I guess for now I'll just live with it and get it taken care of when I can.

Friday, August 8, 2008

stress fucking sucks

I woke up in pain this morning because of stress, like a terrible, aching band across my shoulders.
It distracted me at work all day, and because a couple of my coworkers (whom I like quite a bit as friends) decided that they can't act like fucking civil human beings for the last hour of the day on the last day of the week, caused me even more stress.

Got my second music lesson today, this time on Mik's SG, it was awesome, but that had to be cut short because his roomate got really pissed at us and couldn't even be fucking polite about it. At this point I've decided I'm going to buy a guitar. I just have to decide if it is cheaper to but a pack from guitar center or to buy used separately. I think I want a stratocaster, but I'm not entirely sure about that either. Something basic and not too pricy for a preference.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The boredom is upon me...

I'm both very stressed about things I can't control and bored out of my mind. I can't even get interested in the things I am stressed about.

The core of my stress is, as usual, money. My wishes to be not bound to a job, while have the resources to do what I want, go still unfulfilled.

Someday I will have resources to do what I want without worry, but that day has not yet manifested itself

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Beer makes the world better

I feel that I earned my one beer this evening. I pushed a pickup truck for like 15 minutes so we could give it a jump.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Got my first lesson on the Bass today

My buddy Mik gave me a lesson today for about 2 hours on the Bass. It was fun, I'm going to wait a couple more lessons before I decide if I want to buy a guitar for myself or not.

Monday, August 4, 2008

I love television streaming sites

Places like Surf the channel and their ilk. I have so far today watched: 1 episode of Hercules, 1 Episode of Justice League Unlimited, 1 episode of "The Dresden Files" and I am on my third episode of BONES. Thoroughly enjoyable I say.

It's strange too, there seems to be three kinds of video on these sites:
1) Subtitled Asian episodes.
2) Advertiser supported episodes
3) Episodes broken up into 2 or more parts.

Generally type 2 have the best audio and video quality, probably because they aren't bootlegs hastily converted to flash video. The problem stems from the fact that, as advertiser supported programming, you do have to watch a few ads. This makes it less Ideal than downloading an episode or buying it on DVD, But this is a minor annoyance at worst.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mmm... Karamel Sutra

My favorite Ben and Jerry's flavor. half caramel, half chocolate with a core of creamy caramel running through it, pure brilliance.

Edit: Upon further consideration I haven't produced anything of value for a while, so here goes.

I am sick and tired of having to rely on a callous, globe-spanning corporation for my way of life. I work 40-43 hours in an average week and still cannot seem to pull myself out of debt. I owe money more places than I thought I could, I can barely keep food in the house and I worry that I could get sick or hurt and I wouldn't be able to afford it. On top of all this, gas prices are only barely starting to decrease after a summer of record highs and I know that it's only temporary.

Mark my words, gas will reach over $5.00 a gallon by may 2009. This is going to be the trigger that causes rioting in the streets. There will be a change, there must be a change or there will be violent revolution. This is not a thing I hope for, or want. But it is a thing that I know will happen.

The same things as would have been effective at the start of this are still going to be effective now. We need to ban SUVs that get less than 25 miles/gallon. We need to stop pimping big, ridiculous trucks. We need to start walking to the store when it's only 10 blocks away. "Driving for Fun" needs to go away. Carpooling is still viable, I give rides to 1-3 other people every work night. We are tapping a finite resource, and while it's a very large quantity, it's still finite.

Also, healthcare crisis, childcare crisis, carbon emissions crisis, e-terrorism crisis, food shortage crisis, the wave of decapitation murders sweeping the world. It's a scary world we live in, thank god Hitler is already dead.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Xena season 3 is mine

eat it fools.

4 AM EDIT: We are now 7 episodes into a 22 episode season, need to pace ourselves lest we run out prematurely.

Friday, August 1, 2008